Aphrodite & Artemis

Nina Horn-Wittkuhn

Konstantinos Bilias

Standing anthropomorphic clay figurine with upraised arms, so-called “Goddess with upraised arms”

drawing by Katarzyna Zeman-Wisniewska 2012, 155

Photograph courtesy of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, taken from Mina, M. (2016), ‘Was It a Man's World?: Gender Relationships at the Transition to the Bronze Age in Cyprus’ in Near Eastern Archaeology 79/3, 140-147, Fig. 3

Painted clay figurine KM 1451 from Kissonerga Mosphilia

Photograph courtesy of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, taken from Mina, M. (2016), ‘Was It a Man's World?: Gender Relationships at the Transition to the Bronze Age in Cyprus’ in Near Eastern Archaeology 79/3, 140-147, Fig. 1

Cruciform picrolitfigurine, so-called Yalia Figurine

Map of Cyprus, by N. Horn-Wittkuhn, generated with Q-Gis.

Photo: Courtesy of Professor Louise Hitchcock

Minoan “Goddesses” with Upraised Arms

copy in Naples National Archaeological Museum, 2nd century AD

Artemis of Ephesia, 2nd century AD

Selçuk Ephesus Archaeological Museum

Beautiful Artemis, 2nd century AD

Archaeological Museum of Tripoli

Artemis Ephesia, copy from Leptis Magna 1st half of 2nd century AD

(T. Linders — P. Hellström (ed.), Architecture and Society in Hecatomnid Caria, Proceedings of the Uppsala Symposium 1987, Architecture and Society in Hecatomnid Caria Uppsala 1987 (Uppsala 1989) 97 Pl. 6.)

Relief with Zeus Labraundeus, 350-325 BC, London, British Museum

Sanctuary of Artemis at Ephesus

Archaeological Museum of Tripoli

Detail from Artemis Ephesia, copy from Leptis Magna, 1st half of 2nd century AD

J. Paul Getty Museum

Ephesian Tetradrachm, ca. 380-295 BC

ca. 650-600, Paris, Museé du Louvre (A. Coulié (ed.), Rhodes, Une île grecque aux portes de l'Orient, XVe-Ve siècle avant J.-C. Ausstellungskatalog Paris, Musée du Louvre (Paris 2014) 267 Pl. 111-2)

Golden pendant with Potnia Theron

Bern, Musée d`Histoire (G. Pugliese Carratelli (Hrsg.), The Western Greeks Classical Civilization in the Western Mediterranean, Ausstellungskatalog Venedig, Palazzo Grassi (London 1996) 386)

Hydria of Grächwil, ca 570 BC

Die griechischen Vasen (Munich 1981) Pl. 17) ca. 680, Athens, National Museum (E. Simon)

Detail from a boeotian amphora with Potnia Theron

Votives from the sanctuary of Artemis Orthia, Sparta, Archaeological Museum (N. Kaltsas (ed), Athens-Sparta New York, Onassis Cultural Center (New York 2006) 179)

Sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia

Map of Ancient Greece and Mythological Greece inlcuding ancient Boeotia